A useful learning approach comes to your rescue when you want to read quickly without compromising your knowledge intake.
Adults can read 200 to 300 words per minute on average. You can read at a rate of 1,500 words per minute if you have Speed Reading training skills.
Yes, it seems absurd, but it is true.
To grasp how this skill works, you must first comprehend how the human brain reads.
The eyes must first fixate on a word, which takes about 0.25 seconds for each word. You then begin to shift your gaze to the next word.
The brain moves from one word to the next in 0.1 seconds, which is referred to as a “saccade.” Long words or a sentence are usually taken in all at once in your thoughts.
The brain goes over the full phrase again to understand the meaning after all of the Fixations and Saccades.
This takes around half a second, therefore most people can read 200 to 300 words each minute.
What Is Speed Reading?
Speed Reading is the process of quickly recognizing and assimilating phrases or sentences on a page all at once. This assists you to read better by picking up phrases or sentences instead of individual letters.
This ability also allows you to save a significant amount of time without sacrificing knowledge. It aids in the improvement of concentration as well as comprehension.
Learning to Speed Read is based on the idea of speeding up the reading process by at least 5 times. Speed reading stresses speedier fixations because the Saccade period cannot be shortened much further.
To go along with this, scientists propose skipping the sub-vocalization when reading silently. Speed reading is both quick and effective.
This ability allows you to save a significant amount of time while maintaining accuracy. It has also been shown to help the brain function better because speed reading stabilizes the brain, the reader’s memory increases, allowing them to recall more information than previously.
There are three different styles of speed reading according to Wikipedia/speed-reading which includes;
- Skimming
- Scanning
- Meta-guiding
SKIMMING is a speed reading technique that entails visually searching the sentences of a page for clues to the main idea, or when reading an essay.
It can entail reading the beginning and end for summary information, then the first sentence of each paragraph to quickly determine whether to seek more details as determined by the purpose of the reading.
Skipping content that provides details, anecdotes, data, or elaboration while skimming is a good idea.
Some people are born with this ability, but most people learn it through practice. Adults, rather than children are more likely to skim.
SCANNING is a reading strategy that allows you to swiftly locate specific information. When you can, you have a question in mind and read a piece simply to discover the answer, skipping over irrelevant information.
However, if you move your eyes vertically and diagonally while remembering the specific characters or numbers you’re looking for, it won’t take long.
This reading technique is frequently used with skimming and intensive reading.
Learners must be able to read in a variety of ways and recognize that choosing how to read is a crucial step in improving their reading abilities.
Meta Guiding is visual guiding of the eye with a finger or a pointer, such as a pen, to move quickly down the length of a paragraph of text is known as meta-guiding.
This entails making invisible shapes on a page of text to increase the visual span for Speed Reading. They all operate together in some way.
This way of reading is primarily promoted through literature and speed reading courses. This practice, however, has been proved to be ineffectual for such purposes and is regarded as Snake Oil by reading experts.
This is because speed reading in this method is simply skimming, which takes very little time to master and does not necessitate substantial training.
Speed Reading Course Reviews
Source: Google image
While reading appears to be a common skill for most people, only a few will make the effort to learn more advanced techniques.
Many online speed reading courses can help you read faster and positively influence your life and knowledge.
Let’s take a look at some speed reading course reviews to help you pick the best speed reading training decision.
It’s a well-known and successful company that specializes in speed reading and memorization classes.
Learners can be confident in the quality of their online courses or in-person classes since their names appear in publications such as The Wall Street Journal and entrepreneur.com.
Students enjoy unlimited access to all online video tutorials for the rest of their lives.
Students can take an Iris online speed reading course at their leisure and pace. Speed Reading Foundation Course, Speed Reading Mastery and Advanced Comprehension and Memory Course are three online programs within the course.
The foundation module is designed for complete beginners, while the subsequent modules expand on the abilities obtained in the basic lessons.
You may purchase each course separately, but Iris also provides a discounted bundle that includes all of their online classes.
Iris Reading course also offers a series of virtual live-webinar events that provide an alternative to attending a speed reading course in person.
It lasts 5 weeks and includes question and answer sessions as well as speed test courses that will be recorded so that they can be accessed later.
Iris live classes are available in many cities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, as well as increasingly in other parts of the world.
Anyone with access to Iris speed reading webinars can pause them at any time, which enhances the learning process and allows students to understand their lectures with clarity.
Additional apps and resources are available from Iris to help you improve your reading and memory skills. If you prefer a real classroom or video learning, Iris is the perfect speed reading course for you.
The cost varies between $50 and $100, live lessons start at $199, and their boot camp is $197.
Spreeder is a high-tech e-reader and online speed reading course that can help you read three times quicker while simultaneously improving your comprehension.
It combines an RSVP reader with expert video courses, strong exercises, games, drills, progress tracking, and a vocabulary builder in one package.
The tool includes a variety of speed reading courses taught by some of America’s finest reading specialists, as well as tools to help you break bad reading habits, reduce eye fixations, and increase your reading comprehension.
The built-in RSVP e-reader on Spreeder allows you to quickly process any digital reading material, papers, and eBooks.
This type of tool is perfect for expanding your knowledge, preparing for tests, or quickly processing information.
You may store your files in the cloud storage and view them from anywhere on any device, and 46 file formats are supported.
Spreeder is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome, allowing you to access your data from any device while maintaining continuous synchronization.
There is a 7-day free trial and Spreeder VIP prices of $7/month.
Abby Marks Beale (@speedreadr), a well-known expert in the field of reading enhancement, conceived and developed this popular course.
This online tutor was established by Abby to assist people all over the world in improving their performance.
Through a module-based curriculum that takes about 5 hours, the time-saving speed reading course will help you build vital and advanced skills.
The course focuses on each learner’s individual needs, assisting them in becoming more aware of their reading habits while also improving their understanding of the subject and extracting vital information more quickly.
Students can also keep track of their progress with a 17-time exercise and a habit self-evaluation. The cost of the price list is $49 for seven days and $199 for ninety days.
This speed reading class is available on Udemy, one of the largest e-learning platforms around offering thousands of courses.
Super Learner is the most popular Udemy speed reading course for students and professionals in all fields.
This course will teach you some useful life hacking, reading, and memory techniques. It is hosted by professors who have set world records in the field of speed reading.
Learners can set personal goals and be taught valuable skills to help them achieve these goals.
The curriculum is divided into ten sections with lessons consisting of worksheets and videos. After each lesson, users are allotted quizzes to put their newly learned skills to the test.
This course can be completed with 2 or 3 hours of training per week, with the reading lessons taking an average of 8 weeks to complete.
The course is available online, you may access it from any device with an internet connection, and you can download all of the lessons, videos, and materials for offline use. It is both inexpensive and video-based.
One of the most important features of being a Super Learner is its curative nature, which combines your professor’s experience, scientific research, and experts into a single course.
Furthermore, all videos are compatible with mobile devices and may be downloaded. Though, several of the suggested games are difficult to play on smartphones because they were designed for PCs.
The site was created by InfiniteMinds infiniteminds.io, a human performance company founded by Mr. Jeffery C. Flamm (@jefferycflamm), a business studies expert.
The InfiniteMinds team created this software course to help learners improve their memory and reading skills.
Their famed eye reading training program is at the heart of it, and it will teach you how to use effective eye movements to see more at a glance and digest information more quickly.
Dr. Kawamura, a leading expert in the field of brain and memory function, developed eyeQ.
They employ tried-and-true methods for activating the brain and enhancing the user’s learning capacity.
Personal and Family Use, School Set-Up, and Business Use are the three phases of the eyeQ Reading Course.
eyeQ is a web-based application that requires internet access as part of the registration process.
If you are not pleased with eyeQ’s services, you can get a refund within 90 days.
This is one of the most effective online speed reading courses available. It’s another excellent opportunity to learn directly from a mentor.
Jim Kwik (@jimkwik) is the founder of Kwik Learning and a leading expert in the field of reading and memory enhancement. He believes that there are no bad readers, only slow readers who have bad reading habits.
The Online Speed Reading program consists of 21 daily online courses that will be delivered to your mailbox each day and that you may access at your leisure and repeat as many times as you like.
The three-week program will teach you how to speed read and provide you with all of the necessary training to put your new skills to the test.
Students will be able to read 25-50 percent faster than previously, according to Jim Kwik(@jimkwik). Tutorials on how to lessen eye fixations, sub-vocalization, and regression will also be available.
Due to the fact that you are learning from a personal coach, Jim Kwik speed reading Classes are always the best.
With its good value and knowledge, it provides the best speed reading Course.
However, at $497, it is one of the more expensive solutions on the list, so if you can afford it, it will not be a waste of time and money.
Jim Kwik does an excellent job of structuring the class from beginning to end.
Each day seems better than the last and each week feels significantly better than the prior, with plenty of advanced reading strategies to make it worthwhile.
This online speed reading course is developed by a team of top professionals working side by side with academic experts in accelerated reading and UX designers.
Legentas is a 20- hour course that teaches you how to read twice and quickly allowing you to read articles, novels, emails, and documents in half of the time.
By, reading roughly 500 words each minute using Legentas, you’ll be able to get ahead and remain ahead at school or at work.
You might think 500 words per minute is impossible. That’s because when you read, your vision tends to skip rows, slowing you down to roughly 250 words each minute.
However, if you understand the concepts and exercises given by Legentas, you’ll be speeding past your limiter in no time.
To improve brain comprehension and learning potential, lessons are taught as exercises and theories. Exercises are finely cut out, and learners receive immediate feedback after each one.
Legentas is featured as an online course that may be accessed from a range of computers.
It is appropriate for usage in schools, businesses, and by lecturers.
There is a free trial version available that includes three-speed reading exercises, a speed reading exam, the basics of speed reading, reading tools, and how to read proficiently.
The majority of Speed Reading programs focus on preventing undesirable reading habits such as sub-vocalization or regression.
Your reading speed will have to double while your understanding improves in the reading classes.
Different tools from various teachers provide a wide range of options for students to choose from because the major goal of the tools is to improve speed rather than understanding.
There are several books that are recommended for Speed Reading, but Ron Cole’s “Be a Super Reader” is one of the best
This book is valuable to readers of all levels, and it also includes access to some of the best offline resources and procedures.
Do Speed Reading Courses work?
Yes and sometimes no. It depends entirely on what you’re reading and why you’re reading it. It has the opportunity to function.
However, in order to achieve high performance, it’s also critical to try to comprehend what you’re reading, which some online courses fail to teach.
How Do You Train for Speed Reading?
You may improve your reading speed without missing out on details by identifying and modifying a few problematic habits, or you enroll in training sessions.
The simplest way to train yourself is to take an online course in Speed Reading and practice on a regular basis.
Choosing a great online speed reading course, on the other hand, is an essential part that should not be taken lightly.
What Is the Best Program for Speed Reading?
There are other programs available to teach you how to speed read, but Jim Kwik Speed Reading Courses are usually recommended as the best.
Where Can I Learn Speed Reading for Free?
ReadSpeeder @readspeeder.com, and SkillShare @skillshare.com offer a two-month premium free trial. Some other software also offers 7 days free trial before subscribing to their class.